
Become a member of Anokhi care!

Anybody can become who want do work for social change

Anokhi Manav Sewa Samiti in short Anokhi care is nonprofit Non-government organization

Work for the skills development, Health awareness and environment protection

Advisory board: Advisory board comprises of person who wants to do work for society and a member of Anokhi care. Member can also become an advisory board after completing three successful years and the task allotted by the Anokhi care.

Types of Membership & their benefits

S.No. Yearly membership Life Membership
Year 1-Year Life long
Fees 500 5000
Certificate of membership
Profile on website Name/email & skills of member Name/email & skills of member
Advisory board Eligible for becoming an advisory board member
Concession in workshops 50% free

 Benefits of membership

  • Work as  a volunteer
  • Work as  a collaborator
  • Attend as a learner
  • Participate as a facilitator
  • Your name and email with skills be on our website as contributors
  • After membership Can get concession in its activity & services of Anokhi care and can use the platform of Anokhi care
  • If you are having any skills or product Anokhi care provides a medium for consensus between the seeker and you. ( Learning by sharing)
  • 8-10 Workshops (can call as a facilitator or as participants)in a year
  • Can become part of innovative activities for Social change

Click here to be a Volunteer